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What if your Chiropractic doesn’t work?

Each time you visit your chiropractor, they will follow- up and re-evaluate your treatment plan. This is to check if patient did get improvement, no improvement or getting worse from the treatment. From here, they can decide whether or not to continue or stop patient’s treatment and refer them elsewhere.

Dr. Linda Schiller provides chiropractic care to woman in Joondalup, Perth

Treatment changes:

If the first few treatments were not making any improvements to the patient (to you), the chiropractor will consider an alternate approach to your treatment.

  • Consider XRAY if it was not done during the first visit
  • Changing treatment frequency
  • Changing technique
  • Ask about patient’s lifestyle
  • Add more bring home exercises
  • Working with other healthcare to manage patient
Dr. Linda Schiller provides chiropractic treatment to pregnant woman in Joondalup, Perth

When to stop your chiropractic care:

Treatment does not improve after 3 weeks.

If you don’t feel any better after 3 weeks of treatment, your chiropractor has to re-evaluate your treatment plan and your diagnosis.

Worse after treatment.

It is perfectly normal to feel sore within 24 hours after your treatment. However, it is abnormal if the pain last for few days. Your chiropractor should stop immediately and refer you to a GP as this might indicate there is possibility of an underlying pathology that is causing your pain. Once all the test (XRAY, MRI, etc.) are clear, only then you can come back to your chiropractor and he/she will re-evaluate your treatment plan.

No more symptoms.

It is not necessary for you to come every week to visit your chiropractor. If you’re feeling better after few treatments, you can stop from visiting your chiropractor until your body feels like they need adjustments again.

It is very important to maintain your health, which is why each time you visit your chiropractor they will re-assess your condition and modify your treatment plan accordingly. If you ever feel like visiting a chiropractor in the near future, please do visit us at Lakeside Chiropractic Clinic in Joondalup, Perth northern Suburbs. We will do our very best to help you with whatever condition you’re struggling with. Feel free to give us a call at (08) 9300 0095 or head to our website to book yourself in.

Lakeside Chiropractic Team
July 09, 2021