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Tips for Repeat Hamstring Injury Prevention

Tips for Repeat Hamstring Injury Prevention

Hamstring injuries are one of the most common traumas in sports like running, soccer or basketball. However, not only within sporting population but people who do general exercise might also experience hamstring strain? These strains can range from small muscle tears to heavy muscle ruptures. Even though hamstring injuries are common, the recurrence rate is disproportionate compared with other similar soft tissue injuries. In our sports chiropractic clinic, people usually come to us for severe injuries or recurrent strains because smaller strains are usually not properly rehabilitated, they would just try rest it off and return to sport soon after.

Common causes of hamstring tears

So, what causes hamstring injuries and why is this muscle prone to injury compare to other muscles in the body? A hamstring injury often happens during sudden or powerful movements, such as sprinting, lunging or jumping that overstretch your tendons or muscles. Recurrent injury of the hamstring is common in all athletes, sportsmen and women, as they are more likely to re injure their hamstring muscle if they have injured it in the past. All these can be avoided if you do your stretching and strengthening exercises, properly warmed up before exercise, all these may reduce the risk of injuring your hamstring or prevent any recurrent injury to re occur. Also, be careful not to overstretch.

Grading for hamstring muscle strains

  • Grade 1 (mild strain)
    Small hamstring muscle fibre tear, slightly painful- can be treated by your local sport chiropractor
  • Grade 2 (moderate strain)
    Soreness on local or referred muscle area, moderate loss of function- can be treated by your local sport chiropractor
  • Grade 3 (severe rupture)
    Rupture of muscle fibre & loss of range of motion- this often needs surgery

Other risk factors of hamstring tendon or muscle tears/ strains

Two main risk factors other than sports are age and muscle imbalance. As we all know, when we grow older the risk of getting an injury increase. We need to use extra caution when doing activities as when we grow older we are more prone to injuries.

In terms of muscle imbalance, not all experts agree, however some suggest that a muscle imbalance may lead to a hamstring injury. If the quadriceps muscles along the front of the thigh are stronger and more developed than the hamstring muscles, injury to the hamstring muscles might be more likely. As over contraction of the quad can overstretch the hamstring muscle if there is a big enough muscle imbalance.

Strengthening and stabilising

There’s no doubt that focusing on stabilising and strengthening your hamstring and other supporting muscles is a must. In general strengthening your core muscles and gluteal muscles will help to stabilize your lower back and hips. More specifically strengthening your opposite legs hip flexors, hamstrings and quadriceps will bring you more stability in your leg movement.

Recovery of Hamstring muscle strains and tears

The recovery of muscle strains are important for getting you back into your sport or activities and prevent you from getting further injuries.



Sometimes injury can tighten up muscle and swimming is a great example of non-weight bearing form of exercise to reduce the soreness of muscle on various places and release muscle tension not only hamstrings. Since swimming is supported by water buoyancy, and an active form of stretching, it engages your core muscles. Swimming laps of alternating stroke will help to keep your muscles loose and more flexible. If you are not into swimming, you can try other water exercise or water aerobics.



Remedial Massage plays a huge role in muscle recovery. It increases blood flow and oxygen to the muscles, promoting faster healing, replenishing the scar tissue of your hamstring muscles. Massage can be used to help release muscle tension caused by injury and alternative muscle compensation. Our remedial massage therapist here in Lakeside Chiropractic in Joondalup will provide a few different types of stretches for you after the massage session.


Foam rolling

This is good for a warm up and cool down routine stretching as it can help to increases flexibility, as well as increase range of motion movement, therefore preventing further injuries to occur.



As part of a regular healthcare routine Chiropractic may assist to develop stronger neuromuscular links, thus improving skills and getting your body ready for exercise. In relation to a hamstring injury Chiropractic treatment may release and keep you pelvis unlocked, taking pressure away from your hamstring muscles and allowing you to run better and kick freer and further.

Here at Lakeside Chiropractic in Perth Northern Suburbs, all our chiropractors are trained in treating hamstring injuries, they can also relieve pain, improve range of motion, and help prevent injuries of the back, neck, shoulders, knees, and ankles. We have a post graduate chiropractor with sport chiropractic diploma with lots of experience treating sports professionals. If you experience any symptoms, feel free on call us on 9300 0095 to book in for an appointment or visit our website at for more details.

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February 13, 2023