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Sub Acromial Pain Syndrome Shoulder Pain Sports Chiropractic care Perth

Advice and solutions for your shoulder pain.

Your Rotator Cuff (RC) muscles provide movement and stability within the shoulder, all attaching to the shoulder blade. The rotator cuff muscles are made of four muscles- subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor. The muscles provide stability within the shoulder, by being recruited individually when moving the arm in different directions, counterbalancing one another.  Excessive load placed to these muscles can cause pain and weakness in the shoulder. When this excess load is present resulting in symptoms of pain and weakness, it is referred as rotator cuff tendinopathy. Pain is usually the worst with lifting the arm (elevation), and turning shoulder/arm outward (external rotation). 
Rotator cuff tendinopathy is also referred to as Sub Acromial Pain syndrome. The extension of your shoulder blade is called the acromion, which is where the rotator cuff (supraspinatus) tendon sits beneath. When lifting the arm the Rotator cuff tendon can be irritated between the acromion and the humerus (long bone of your upper half of your arm), causing shoulder pain.

How do you get sub acromial pain syndrome?

Poor muscle control due to fatigue, weakness, pain related inhibition can cause the tendon to contact the humeral head below and coracoacromial arch above. Repetitive use of the supraspinatus muscle, injury to the tendon itself, poor posture, “wear and tear”, or delayed muscle activation of RC muscles can all lead to- the tendon rubbing against the bony surface of the acromion resulting in micro tears. Aging, genetics, occupation, activities or sports that requires overhead movement all contribute or are predisposing factors in sub acromial pain syndrome/ rotator cuff tendinopathy.

There are certain lifestyle factors such as: Obesity, metabolic syndromes (e.g. diabetes) and smoking that increase the risk and delay recovery of sub acromial pain syndrome/ rotator cuff tendinopathy.

The symptoms of Sub Acromial Pain Syndrome

  • Pain at the top of the upper arm
  • Shoulder Pain when lifting arm above shoulder height
  • Increases/ develops over time
  • Possible stiffness/ tightness of the shoulder
  • Decreases with heat pack or after hot shower
  • Gradually becomes more intense and more frequent

How to diagnose Sub Acromial Pain Syndrome?

​A thorough history of the injury and lifestyle factors will establish the most probable cause and diagnosis. Followed by orthopaedic tests and physical exam of the shoulder to further reach a more concise diagnosis. To rule out other sinister causes or other possible injuries, MRI, XRAY or ultrasound may be required.

Lakeside Chiropractic Clinic have treated a number of shoulder complaints, with the most common being Sub Acromial Pain Syndrome/ Rotator Cuff tendinopathy. Our chiropractors see shoulder complaints daily, there for have a thorough understanding in the diagnosis and treatment! If you are experiencing shoulder pain, don’t wait until it is affecting your everyday life! The sooner it is treated the sooner you will be pain free, reducing the chances of chronic shoulder pain.

The chiropractors at Lakeside Chiropractic Clinic, adapt a variety of modalities in the treatment of shoulder pain, using a method best suited to your individual needs. This includes- chiropractic adjustments and mobilisations, ultrasound therapy, interferential therapy, specific rehabilitative exercises and stretches, dry needling, soft tissue therapy, trigger point therapy, education and advice on lifestyle factors. If you are experiencing any of these shoulder symptoms mentioned above or are simply having discomfort in your shoulder, our friendly and experienced chiropractors will help determine the cause of your pain and get you on the road to recovery!

Located in Joondalup – Perth, Lakeside Chiropractic is central to the northern suburbs. Surrounding suburbs include Beldon, Craigie, Kinross, Currambine, Iluka, Burns Beach, Edgewater, Banksia Grove and Woodvale. We also have HICAPs on site, this means you can claim immediately from your Health Fund after your visit. We are a Medibank preferred provider but can also claim from BUPA, HBF, HIF, Police Health, Frank, CGU, SGIO, Westfund and GMF Health. If your Health Fund is not listed please ask when booking your appointment. Call us on 9300 0095 or visit our website at

November 08, 2016