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Spinal manipulation alters pain and stress hormones

Chiropractic is an alternative medicine that works on the human body to treat many musculoskeletal conditions. Most commonly chiropractors treat the spine, although they also treat muscle and nerve pain. Chiropractors work by examining the entire body and identifying areas in which need correcting. Spinal manipulation, also known as spinal adjustments, are techniques used by chiropractors to correct misalignments and ensure your body is operating at its maximal health.

Spinal manipulation/adjustment is a passive technique whereby the practitioner applies a thrust at or near the end range of motion. This releases the gas bubbles within the joint, resulting in an audible cracking noise.

Dr Schiller performs a chiropractic adjustment on a patient


Spinal manipulation can have many effects on the human body including:

a) Providing short and long-term pain relief for those suffering from pain attributed to the spine. Whether your pain is coming from your neck or low back, patients have noticed an instant reduction in their pain level. Spinal manipulation triggers an increase in blood flow to the area of interest. This in turn allows for the tissues around the painful area to repair at a much faster rate, decreasing the patient’s severity of pain.

b) Improves function in humans. By aligning the joints and relieving pain, spinal manipulation can improve your overall function. Spinal manipulation helps to decrease muscle tension and pain and allows patients to go about their lives before their condition commenced.

c) Decreases stress hormones. As the body encounters more and more stress it forces the body to become a lot more sensitive to certain imbalances that may occur throughout the body. Spinal manipulation has been beneficial in correcting these imbalances by ensuring that the whole spine is aligned thus helping reduce stress. Spinal manipulation also helps to decrease stress hormones by releasing all the built-up tension that is apparent in your joints and muscles and helps the body to relax.

d) Unblocks the central nervous system. As the messages to your brain and nervous systems are initiated and received seamlessly, this allows you to make more rational decisions and think a lot clearer, thus decreasing your mental stress.

e) Promoting more efficient blood circulation, which inhibits your body’s fight/flight response and helps relieve your stress levels.

There are many positive outcomes to spinal manipulation including improving pain levels and decreasing stress hormones.

Dr Schiller performs a chiropractic adjustment on a patient

Spinal manipulation is a chiropractic technique that is extremely effective in ensuring your body can operate at its maximum capacity. At Lakeside Chiropractic we utilise spinal manipulation in conjunction with many soft tissue techniques to provide the most evidence-based care we possibly can. Ensuring we stay up to date with the latest advancements in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions is a matter of our utmost importance.

Lakeside Chiropractic is located in Perth's northern suburb Joondalup and houses patients from all over Perth including, Victoria Park, Cockburn, Yanchep, Two Rocks, Jindalee, Wembley Downs, and Woodvale. HICAPS Facilities available on site for major private health insurers (NIB, HCF,HBF,AHM,HCI,HIF ) and also a part of the Medibank preferred practitioner and BUPA Members first network. If you would like to discuss any concerns, have any enquires or wish to book an appointment; feel free to contact one of our friendly staff on 9300 0095 or visit our website at

March 18, 2021