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Mid Back Pain Chiropractors Perth Western Australia

Mid back pain can be a very troublesome area for many, due to lifestyle and postural influences. Many of us have office or desk jobs or are simply unaware of just how much your posture can affect our mid backs. Your mid back pain can be due to several causes- this can be over use resulting in muscle strain or damage to the discs or ligaments supporting your mid back, poor posture, osteoarthritis, a fracture in your ribs, pressure on your nerve root due to dysfunction in your spine, or simply trigger points in the musculature of your mid back. The most common cause of mid back pain is due to muscle or ligaments strains or dysfunction in your vertebra joints. These issues are commonly seen in our chiropractic clinic, your chiropractor will manage and help in preventing the progression of the condition. 

Thoracic muscle strain
What causes this?
 Overuse (heavy repeated lifting, twisting motion), poor sitting posture, any injury/ trauma.

What are the symptoms you may experience? 
Pain and tenderness in the mid back, stiffness, decreased movement in the area, increased pain with coughing/ sneezing. 

T4 Syndrome

This presents as an upper/mid back stiff ache. Sometimes there is associated numbness or tingling in the arms or hands, depending on what nerve root has been irritated. Symptoms usually present at night and will wake you up early in the morning. Upon examination of the affected joint, there will be tenderness on the specific segment, which will also reproduce the symptoms. This condition is commonly confused with carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, aggravated trigger points and degeneration of the vertebra in your neck. The chiropractors at Lakeside Chiropractic will be able to differentiate what is going on with your mid back and come to a concise diagnosis.  

Our chiropractors can manage mid back pain, incorporating treatment methods best suited to you! This includes- chiropractic manipulation/ mobilisations, soft tissue therapy, stretches, interferential therapy, dry needling and exercises. 

There are many non-musculoskeletal conditions that can present as mid back pain. This includes- issues with your oesophagus, peptic ulcer in your stomach, and other visceral structure involvements such as kidney, gall bladder or heart. It is crucial you do not ignore your mid back pain and get it assessed by your highly knowledgeable chiropractors, which can differentiate the exact cause. They can then treat your musculoskeletal condition or in the case it is not your muscle or vertebrae, our chiropractors will refer you for appropriate treatment and care that you require!

Dr Linda Schiller specialises in mid back pain, she did her master’s thesis on mechanical Thoracic spine pain. She has also published her work on midback pain in the JMPT- A reputable Journal. Dr Schiller worked on many midbacks for a year in order to collect the data for her research study. On average midback pain needs six to ten chiropractic treatments to resolve. She also designed some special stretches to help alleviate and manage mid back pain.

Advice to Help Midback Pain

  • Correct your Sitting Posture
  • Good bed and one good correct pillow
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for muscle health
  • Drink enough water
  • Address chronic coughing
  • Don’t sit on bad couch- only supported sitting
  • Eat a healthy  balanced diet 
  • Avoid junk processed food
  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t slouch 
  • Exercise your core muscles
  • Have hot showers then stretch after regularly
  • Avoid heavy lifting
  • Avoid repetitive bending over or lifting
  • Keep warm and protect muscles from the cold
  • Use foam rollers for upper back
  • Don’t sleep on your stomach

Lakeside Chiropractic is located in Joondalup Central Walk in the northern suburbs of Perth. Surrounding suburbs include Hillarys, Whitfords, Tapping, Carramar, Burns Beach, Currambine, Sinagra, Beldon and Craigie. We have HICAPS onsite, so you can claim from your Health Fund on the day of treatment. Health Funds available for claiming include Medibank, HBF, HIF, Bupa, NIB and SGIO, if yours is not listed please ask.

If you feel you may have mid back pain or would like to get any other musculoskeletal structure in your body reviewed don't hesitate to contact us on 9300 0095, or visit our website to make an enquiry or booking.


September 08, 2016