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Low Back Pain after Motor Vehicle Accident

Car accidents and the force produced by the impact, can have serious implications on the low back and neck of patients. The pain associated with the injuries can have a great effect on activities of daily living as both areas are crucial for bodily functions. The force from vehicle accident generates enormous pressure on the neck, back and hips of patients and as there isn’t much room in the car, the body is often compressed up resulting in a significant amount of injury. Injuries often occur following an accident as bodies aren’t designed to handle the force collisions are able to produce.

The two most common forms of low back pain from car accidents are disc injuries and facet joint (lower back joint) injuries.

Discogenic pain (pain within the discs) can often arise from degeneration overtime or from sudden trauma (car accident). The pain can present while the patient is sitting or lying perfectly still or when activity induces the pain. The pain can often be a shooting or sharp pain and is generally localised to the damaged disc area; however, can radiate down to the groin, buttock, legs and feet. Some people find relief staying still, while others find that walking relives the pain. Generally sitting makes the pain worse, or getting up after sitting.

Facet joint syndrome can also arise after significant trauma from a motor vehicle accident. Facet joints (these are the joints in our lower back) generally allow strong and controlled movements throughout the spine; however, when damaged can produce a large amount of pain in and around the facet joint. They stop the body from producing too much movement and limit these actions to a degree of motion that’s not going to produce any harm to the body.

Symptoms arising from facet joint syndrome include:

  1. Muscle spasms in the lower back
  2. Difficulty twisting and bending
  3. Difficult to straighten back and make it hard to get up out of a chair
  4. Pain in your buttock legs and feet

Treatments of both forms of back pain after motor vehicle accidents can be administered by chiropractors who are trained with treating the condition. They can prescribe strengthening exercises, heat therapy, stretches and can treat the condition by applying massage to the lower back, acupuncture to relieve muscle spasms, traction mobilisations and manipulations/adjustments once the lumbar spine has been cleared of any fractures or severe degenerative changes by imaging prior.

At Lakeside Chiropractic in Joondalup we have relieved many cases of low back pain following a motor vehicle accident. We are centrally located in Perth’s North and have two chiropractors who are trained with treating various forms of low back pain. In the case of motor vehicle accidents, here at Lakeside Chiropractic we accept motor vehicle accident claims from your GP to make the expense of your treatment cost free for the amount of sessions allocated; we can also prove Medical reports to the Insurance Commission of WA to assist with any MVA claims. We also have Hicaps in our clinic which accepts most private health funds including, hbf, Medibank, BUPA and many others. To schedule in an appointment or if you’re after a general enquiry in regards to your condition, you can call us on 93000095 or visit our website and book via our ‘book now’ tab. We look forward to taking your call and treating your back or neck condition in the fastest time possible.

June 10, 2019