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Help with Scoliosis at Schiller Chiropractic

Scoliosis is the side way curving of the spine. It tends to start at childhood, as the bones of the spine are still growing. Scoliosis is thought to be the result of a hereditary problem, the recovery process as a result of trauma, leg length inequality, neuromuscular problems, degenerative joint disease, postural, nerve root irritation; however in many cases the exact cause is unknown.
Scoliosis can be identified by:

• Family history of scoliosis
• Constant tightness located in one muscle on side of back
• Uneven shoulder and hip height when you look in mirror
• Clothing not fitting correctly, i.e. not sitting normally at hips
• Loss of structural balance
• Change in posture
• Hump appears when you bend forward
• Back pain
• Hip pain

If you have noticed that you have any of these signs, it can then be confirmed by your chiropractor or through x-ray imaging.
It is important to treat scoliosis immediately from the point diagnosis. If the condition is left untreated, the spine can bend and rotate further. In severe cases this may result in significant health problems, affecting neighbouring structures and body processes.
So, where exactly does chiropractic play a major role in scoliosis? Your Chiropractor will keep the curve flexible and mobile through manipulative therapy, as symptoms appear when there is reduced movement and stiffening of the spine. Personalized exercise plans will also be prescribed by your chiropractor as a part of the treatment process. As the severity of cases varies from one individual to another, the side curvature of the spine may not return to a perfectly straight axis. However the key role of your chiropractor will assist in keeping your back working and improve your daily living standards.
Along with the treatment from your chiropractor, they will monitor the progression of the curvature through x-ray, following a specific time period.

If you are concerned that you or a family member has scoliosis, Lakeside Chiropractic in Joondalup,Perth is happy to give an assessment. 

April 30, 2015