Strengthening to gluteal muscles
Low level glut maximus exercises
1. Plank
2. Side lying hip abduction
3. Clam
Medium level glut max exercises
1. Lunges; progress to add extension
2. Clam with theraband
3. Bridges
a. Progression: bridging on swiss ball
High level glut max exercises
1. Sideways and transverse lunge
2. Bird dog; contralateral arm and leg
3. Single leg squat
4. Front step-up
Low level glut med exercises
1. Plank
Medium level glut med exercises
1. Neutral lunge; progress to sideways/transverse once good form
2. Unilateral mini squat/pelvic drop
High level glut med exercises
1. Bird dog; with contralateral arm and leg
2. Unilateral Bridge
a. Progression: bridging on swiss ball
Here at Lakeside Chiropractic with have a multimodal approach to various conditions throughout the body, we are located at 3/45 Central Walk, Joondalup, central to Perth northern and neighbouring suburbs such as: Craigie, Mullaloo, Tapping, Ashby, Sinagra, Mindarie, Ocean reef and Hillary’s. With HiCAPs facilities available on site for most major Health Providers (NIB, HIC, HIF, AHM, and HBF), we are a medibank preferred practitioner and a part of the Bupa Members first network. If you would like further information feel free to give us a call 9300 0095 or visit