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Do you look crooked when you see yourself in the mirror?

Do you look crooked when you see yourself in the mirror?

Do you see one shoulder higher than the other? Do you notice one hip higher than the other? Or do you see one knee higher than the other? Or do you just fell lopsided!?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you are likely to have some compensating going on in your body! What causes compensating?

crooked spine

  • Scoliosis. This is a structural change, which causes a curve in the spine. At Lakeside Chiropractic we can offer pain relief for scoliosis.
  • Short leg. Whether this is a structural short leg, meaning one leg is shorter than the other or a functional short leg, whereby muscle and joint imbalances can causes a hike up of the hip, knee or ankle. At Lakeside Chiropractic we can offer assistance to help manually through movement of the hips and pelvis, along with assistance from our heel lifts or orthotics
  • Muscle imbalances. This sort of imbalance is from muscles/ligaments becoming extra tight and pulling around a joint. This then causes pain around joints as there is a difference in the body. At Lakeside Chiropractic we offer a wide range of soft tissue massage to help with muscle imbalances.
  • Pronated foot. This can come from the ankle or the mid foot and can be due to poor foot wear, restriction in the joints of the feet, tight muscles, poor walking biomechanics or previous injuries. We at Lakeside Chiropractic can help with foot biomechanics, along with proving exercises to prevent this.
  • Injuries. Previous or current injuries which haven’t received proper care or rehabilitation can last long or cause differences between left and right sides. We find without care or rehab ankle/knees/hip or shoulders can cause weakness in the supporting muscles and ligaments. For example if you have previously rolled your ankle, you have probably found it has become more prevalent to roll the ankle? This is a sign that rehab has not been done correctly or as well as it should be.

What may happen if you don’t get treatment?

If you don’t treat the root cause of what is causing your crooked spine it may progress. Most commonly leading to more pain and reduced range of movement. Also likely to cause degeneration in certain areas of compensation, which further leads to osteoarthritis in the spine, hips or knees. With the muscles, they are likely to get tighter and potentially get weaker.

What can you do?

At Lakeside Chiropractic we may help with not only pain but depending on what is causing your compensation our chiropractors can offer manual work and exercises/stretches to assist.

Manual work our chiropractors can offer include;

  • Adjusting or mobilising the spine or extremities. This will help with alignment and restriction within your joints.
  • Taping for support or proprioception.
  • Muscle work. We offer thumper, IFC electrical stimulation, Graston therapy, dry needling, soft tissue therapy.
  • Rehabilitation and strengthening to support with long term help.
  • Traction to increase the space in the joints of your lower back and hips.

crooked spine treatment

For compensation in the body our chiropractors will most commonly request a bulk billed x-ray from our local radiologist (many locations including Joondalup or Madaley) to help get the best diagnosis for you in order to create a treatment plan.

We also stock heel lifts and orthotics, so if warranted our chiropractors will choose the best fit option for your needs! This can correct differences noted throughout the whole body.

Lakeside chiropractic is located in Joondalup in Perth’s north and has visitors from many different suburbs including, Padbury, Kinross, Mindarie, Sorrento, Iluka, Carramar, Currambine, Tapping, Pearsall, Hocking and Woodvale. HICAPS Facilities available on site for major private health insurers (NIB, HCF, HBF, AHM, HCI and HIF) and also a part of the Medibank preferred practitioner and BUPA Members first network. If you would like to discuss any concerns, have any enquiries or wish to book an appointment; feel free to contact one of our friendly staff on 9300 0095 or visit our website at

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August 05, 2021