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Chiropractic Quiz- Joondalup

For over a 100 years, chiropractic has produced significant results with a wide variety of health complaints. Millions of patients, from new-borns and adults, to pregnant women and seniors have benefited from this conservative form of treatment.

Chiropractic, now the third largest primary health profession in the western world after medicine and dentistry, is so much more than manipulation. In fact in chiropractic the emphasis is on prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Question 1

To you have your eyes checked you visit an optician

To you have your teeth checked you visit a dentist

To you have your spine and joints checked who do you visit?

(Answer at bottom of page)

Healthy spine quiz

  1. Do you sleep in an awkward position?


’ Yes     ’ No


  1. Do you stretch and exercise to keep your spine flexible?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you overexert yourself?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you sit for long periods?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you get enough rest?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you hold your phone with you neck?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you lift with your legs not with your back?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Is your child in a walker before they can walk?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you sleep on a good mattress?


’ Yes     ’ No



  1. Do you see your chiropractor for check-ups?


’ Yes     ’ No

Review your answers with your doctor of chiropractic


(Answer to question 1: A Chiropractor)









14 Warning signs of an unhealthy spine



  1. Your heels wear out unevenly.

  2. You can’t take a satisfying deep breath. Spinal health and energy are interrelated.

  3. Your jaw clicks. Can be caused by a problem in your neck.

  4. You have to “crack” your neck, back or other joints a lot. Caused by areas of your spine that are locked.

  5. You can’t twist or turn your head or hips to either side easily or equally.

  6. You are often fatigued. An unbalanced spine drains you energy.

  7. You have poor concentration.

  8. You have a low resistance to disease. Malalignments of your spine affect your neuroendocrine system, which plays an important role in your resistance to disease and to fight infection.




  1. Your foot flares out when walking. This is sign of a problem in the spine or hips.




  • One leg appears shorter than the other. With your shoes on lie down. Have someone stand behind you, look down at your feet, and gently push your heels together. They should be at the same level.

  • You have poor posture.


12 You have headaches, backaches, sore or tender spots in muscles.



  • You have a constant stressful feeling and tension especially in muscle.

  • You feel stiffness in your back or neck.



If you have any of these warning signs it is advised to have your spine checked.

Question 2


If your eyes deteriorate you get stronger glasses

If your teeth wear out you get dentures

If your spine and joints wear out what do you do?

(Answer at bottom of page)

Reversing Spinal Degeneration

Chiropractic care may halt spinal degeneration. Of coarse the best approach is to prevent it in the first place! That’s why spinal check-ups for all people should be part of everyone’s health care regime.


(Answer to question 2: Even a million pounds can’t buy you a new back or joints)

Some potential benefits of Chiropractic Scientifically proven



  • More energy and improved sleep

  • Improved sports performance

  • Better resistance to disease

  • Improve concentration and memory

  • Relief from dizziness

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Improved sexual function

  • Prevention of future back surgery

  • Protection from and possible reversal of arthritis

  • Reduced days off work due to injury or disability



Florida Study

Claims from 10 000 cases (1985-86) showed: under standard medical care the patient was disabled for 59 days: under chiropractic, 39 days. Consequently, the shortened disability time reduced the average cost of chiropractic care to less than half of that for medical treatment of the same condition.


Oregon Study

Revealed that under medical care, 41% could return to work after one week but under chiropractic care, 82 % were able to return to work after one week.


Ontario Study

There is now considerable empirical support for the cost-effectiveness and the safety of chiropractic management of musculoskeletal disorders.  So much so that doubling the proportion of Ontario public who visit chiropractors for these problems will lead to a direct annual savings of $348 million to the Ontario health care system.




August 20, 2015